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Special flavor comes from NET (Naturally-extracted tobacco)

Nothing beats a strong tobacco vape. Many vapers avoid tobacco juice because they associate it with traditional combustible products, but there are still those who swear that tobacco juice, especially organic tobacco, provides the ultimate vaping experience. Since these juices are quite expensive and few manufacturers produce them, extracting and mixing your own juice from dried tobacco leaves is also a worthy and quite interesting option. So in this article, let's find out how to make a bottle of NET juice.

What is NET e-juice?

As mentioned in the title, NET stands for naturally-extracted tobacco, which is more easily translated into Vietnamese as a type of juice with a flavor extracted cold from dried tobacco leaves (or it can be called organic tobacco, which is not wrong). The most typical name in this type of juice is Black Note, a company specializing in the production of naturally extracted tobacco essential oils.

Black Note is the typical name for the NET line.

Flavor can be extracted from many different tobacco varieties, from Virginia, Cuban, Oriental,... but in general the method is the same. The dried tobacco leaves will be chopped and mixed with PG, VG or Ethanol to extract natural essential oils. This process can be done in a hot environment (about 70*C) to speed up the process, the finished juice will have a stronger and more intense tobacco smell. Or it can be extracted by the cold extraction method, simply soaking the tobacco leaves in the solvent for about 4-8 weeks. Although cold extraction takes more time, the finished product will retain the complexity of the tobacco variety you choose, most of all it is very easy to do, does not require temperature control equipment. Anyone can make NET juice, the important thing is whether you have enough patience and passion to wait 8 weeks for a bottle of finished juice or not.

How is NET different from other combustion products?

The most obvious answer is: risk. When you smoke combustible tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, etc., in addition to nicotine and the taste of tobacco, you also inhale tar and fine dust created by the combustion process. E-juice does not have a combustion process, so the only thing you take into your body is the most quintessential things of tobacco leaves: taste and aroma (plus a little bit of water vapor and nicotine if you choose to have it in the e-liquid).

The second answer that few people pay attention to is that the tobacco flavor when extracted into juice will be fresher. When you light a cigarette, the flavor can be very delicious when you first light it, but when you almost finish smoking, there will be a burnt and bitter smell of tar left. When the natural essential oils of the tobacco leaves are extracted into juice, that flavor is kept stable in each puff. The same type of tobacco, when burned directly and after being extracted into juice, will give a different experience. NET juice is described by many people as having the same aroma as when you open a new pack of cigarettes, a new cigar with cellophane peeled off or a pinch of pipe tobacco taken out of the box, in short, a genuine and fresh tobacco smell.

So why NET juice?

Personally, I love cigars and pipes, my father and his friends are all regular pipe smokers, so I was fascinated by the scent from an early age. However, getting used to vaping also meant that I could no longer taste tobacco the way I used to enjoy it. That's when I started to learn and make NET, put the cigar flavor into juice and enjoy it in a new way. With most organic tobacco juice lines on the market, they often use single leaves, no mix, meaning there will only be virginia tobacco, or only burley,... But when you make your own juice, you can put the whole complexity of a cigar or a box of pipe tobacco into the juice, which will definitely be more impressive.

How to make NET juice?

Contrary to the image of technicians wearing protective gear and standing in a lab looking very serious, making juice is actually very simple.

You will need to prepare the following:

- PG solution about 200ml.

-VG solution about 100ml.

- 10ml liquid nicotine.

- 2 glass jars with airtight lids.

- Bottle to contain finished juice.

- Coffee filter paper and cheesecloth.

- Herbal grinder (or scissors).

- Dry leaves.

* As for the tobacco, I strongly recommend using a good cigar or a box of pipe tobacco. Please do not take tobacco from a regular pack or worse, put tobacco in your juice, you do not want your 8 week wait to be a bad product.

It may sound expensive in terms of ingredients, but you don't necessarily have to use a cigar that costs several million. For example, a Corona Tubos for only 100k or a pack of pipe tobacco for less than 400k is also good.

Okay, so that's the preparation part done, all the things are available or easy to find, right? Now let's get to the main part.

First, if you use cigars, break them into small pieces and put them in a mortar to grind the tobacco leaves. If you use pipe tobacco, you can skip this step.

Next, put the crushed medicine into the jar and pour in the PG solution, cover the leaves and add about 20% so that when the leaves expand, they are still covered in PG. Then use chopsticks to stir well and close the jar tightly. The trick to not let air in is to use plastic wrap to cover the mouth of the jar and then close the lid. So the medicine soaking process is complete. Remember to put the jar in a dark and cool place like the bottom drawer of the wardrobe (or a safe is not a bad idea either) and shake it for about 1 minute every day to mix the solvent and medicine evenly.

Now comes the hardest part, the waiting, 6 to 8 weeks.

After 8 weeks have passed and all the essential oils in the tobacco leaves have been released into the solvent, we will have to filter all the residue and preserve the solution. To filter, it is very simple, just filter twice, the first time with a piece of gauze, you can squeeze the tobacco residue to squeeze out all the solvent that is still absorbed in it, don't worry if there is still a little residue in the first filter. The second time, filter with coffee filter paper, all residue and debris left after the first filter will be removed.

Normally, a standard cigar or a box of cigarettes will produce 80ml of concentrated flavor. From that concentrated flavor, we will mix in VG, PG and liquid nicotine to get the finished juice. The ratio for mixing between flavor and base will be 1:3. That is, with 50ml of concentrated flavor, we will mix in 50ml of PG and 100ml of VG to get a bottle of juice with a VG:PG ratio of 50:50. After mixing, shake well and soak the finished juice bottle in a bowl of warm water at 50-60*C for about 5 minutes, this will help the juice ingredients blend better. The last thing you need to do is to incubate the juice for at least 1 week in a cool, dark environment (shake well every day, of course).

It takes more than 2 months to create a bottle of juice, a long time and many steps. However, the result is worth the effort. I guarantee you that the bottle of juice you create will be unlike any bottle of juice you have ever smoked before, everything will taste better when you create it yourself. So do you find this process interesting? Please share with us when you have the results.

Gia Bao

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