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RBA Battle: RBA Nautilus vs RBA Unicoil

Aspire Nautilus Prime and OXVA Origin have been released for quite a while now, and of course, these two models quickly became the icons of all mid-range AIOs. However, even though these are the two brands with the leading OCC quality, I personally still prefer to use RBA, this is just a subjective opinion because in reality I am quite picky about this cotton coil.

Moreover, constantly changing juice means having to discard the old OCC, which is very expensive, so when owning an AIO, I always prioritize models that come with RBA. For me, tinkering with the coil cotton is just as fun as smoking. So without further ado, let's see what we have in these two RBAs today.

RBA Nautilus Prime

Nautilus Prime is the product that marks the return of Aspire this year after a long absence. With a capacity of 60W, many types of occ that can come with a design that is both classic and modern, this is considered the most versatile AIO device you can buy without being expensive.

The company has invested a lot in the quality of this AIO kit, so there is no reason for the included RBA to disappoint you. In my opinion, this RBA is quite comprehensive, with balanced fore and after flavors, simple coil installation, and can use many different types of coils.

The only downside of this RBA is probably that the contact pins are a bit too “fragile”, and can easily break during disassembly for cleaning. Other than that, there is nothing to criticize about this RBA.

Although it can play most juice lines well, however, due to the short chimney and the large wind pin, I personally think it will be more suitable for fruit juice bottles mixed with a little fat. Some juice bottles I have tried and found very satisfactory are Zap plum peach yogurt, strawberry yogurt and Vape Craft custard blueberry salt nic. The juice infiltration line of this RBA is quite small, suitable for smoking liquid juices 50:50, 60:40. If you want to smoke thicker juice, you need to pay attention not to put all the cotton foot down the juice infiltration hole, but should cut the cotton foot short and place it horizontally on the mouth of the juice tray.

RBA Unicoil OXVA

OXVA Origin dominated every market from Europe to Asia when it was launched. Briefly introduced, this is a pod with a minimalist design, very compact but has profound power. Of course, the RBA that comes with it is also worth mentioning.

The RBA that comes with the OXVA Origin / Origin X is designed to closely follow the OCC experience: high sweetness, airy and prominent pre-flavor. The chamber of this RBA is quite small, so it is suitable for round wires from 26ga and up. If you build a coil that is too big in this chamber, it will definitely get hot, quickly change the flavor of the juice and make it harder to set up the cotton.

In my personal experience, I find it more difficult to build than the Nautilus RBA because the wire screws are a bit small, but anyway, this RBA should only go with small round wires so this is not too much of a concern.

Cotton wick for RBA Unicoil also need to pay attention not to trim the cotton too thin, because the cotton placement design requires the cotton to be cut short, if you trim the cotton too thin it will easily lead to leakage and juice splashing into the mouth. A quick look at the design: large wind battery, large chimney, small chamber and direct air intake slot. Without even needing to smoke, you can see that this will definitely show its power most clearly on single fruit juice bottles. For example, the Brewell or Dinner Lady lines,... because these are juice bottles with high sweetness, fresh flavor, so they will be more delicious when smoked on devices with straight and shocking air lines like on this RBA.

So to summarize, what do these two RBAs have?

  • About build see :

- RBA Nautilus is easier to build, larger chamber allows for many types of coils.

- RBA OXVA has quite small wire locking screws, narrow chamber so choosing and building coil will be more difficult.

  • About cotton wick:

- Cotton wick for Nautilus is more complicated, depending on the type of juice, the length of the cotton foot needs to be adjusted appropriately.

- With OXVA you simply cut the cotton foot to fit the chamber, close it, fill it with juice and vape-on.

  • Smoking experience

- RBA OXVA gives higher sweetness, slightly shocking, suitable for fresh fruit juices, not very good on rich juices and tobacco.

- RBA Nautilus is less sweet but has a balance between the fore-flavor and after-flavor, suitable for vaping juice mixes of 2-3 flavors. The winding airflow path will not be as strong in fore-flavor as OXVA.

Gia Bao

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