Dinner Lady
Dinner Lady - a famous vape essential oil brand from the UK. In 2016, in the early days of developing the brand with only two members, they created their first essential oil flavor: Lemon Tart .
Continuing a year later (2017), after being widely welcomed by Vapers with the Lemon Tart essential oil line and other new essential oil lines, Dinner Lady decided to invest more heavily, as well as open an official headquarters in Blackburn, UK. In 2018, Dinner Lady boldly invested an additional 4 million pounds in its modern production system. By 2019, Dinner Lady had launched more than 100 high-quality vape essential oils in 6 different versions. Not only that, Dinner Lady also continued to develop extremely convenient disposable pod machines. And by 2020, starting from two members, Dinner Lady now has more than 200 new members, launched its own website and collaborated with leading retail brands in the world, including The Vape Club in Vietnam.
As one of the leading brands in the market, Dinner Lady has also won more than 40 awards for top essential oil products, typically: Ecig Click Awards 2016, Ecig Click Awards 2017, Vape UK Jam 2018, Vapexpo 2018, Ecigclick Awards 2019,...