

Why I installed Better Page but when I open the interface configuration it still doesn't show activation?

- Please check again in Purchased Interface Is there a fee to see if it has been paid yet? Normally it is through the VNPay gateway.<br/>

- If not, click on the flashing dot to complete payment by another method, Bank Transfer, the system will automatically install it for you right after successful payment confirmation.

Free theme page how do I activate it?

- For free interface pages, the system will automatically install when ordering without going through the payment step.

I have purchased Better Page and paid but when I go to the interface configuration it is not activated or there is an error. What should I do?

- Contact us now Please include the website information and the page you purchased from for immediate support.<br>

Example email content:
I am the owner of the site have buy interface Football_001 but installation failed, thanks EGANY for support.

I have installed a page & paid for it in the Better Page app. If I uninstall the Better Page app, will the purchased page be lost?

- All interface pages in the Better Page app are One-time fee . Once you have successfully installed and activated (both free and paid), you own it forever.<br>

- Note: those pages will be in the main interface that you use when installing Better Page. When changing to a new Interface (theme), Better Page will not take effect.

I ordered Better Page and paid successfully but I don't see the settings yet, what should I do?

- Normally, Better Page will be automatically installed within 15 seconds after successful payment. However, sometimes the system delay when installing on your website can be up to 2-5 minutes. Please wait a moment and reload the page to see it.<br>

- If after 5 minutes but the payment status does not change and Better Page configuration is not installed, please send an email to for support