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Why I installed Better Page but when I open the interface configuration it still doesn't show activation? |
- Please check again in Purchased Interface Is there a fee to see if it has been paid yet? Normally it is through the VNPay gateway.<br/> - If not, click on the flashing dot to complete payment by another method, Bank Transfer, the system will automatically install it for you right after successful payment confirmation. |
Free theme page how do I activate it? |
- For free interface pages, the system will automatically install when ordering without going through the payment step. |
I have purchased Better Page and paid but when I go to the interface configuration it is not activated or there is an error. What should I do? |
- Contact us now Please include the website information and the page you purchased from for immediate support.<br> Example email content: |
I have installed a page & paid for it in the Better Page app. If I uninstall the Better Page app, will the purchased page be lost? |
- All interface pages in the Better Page app are One-time fee . Once you have successfully installed and activated (both free and paid), you own it forever.<br> - Note: those pages will be in the main interface that you use when installing Better Page. When changing to a new Interface (theme), Better Page will not take effect. |
I ordered Better Page and paid successfully but I don't see the settings yet, what should I do? |
- Normally, Better Page will be automatically installed within 15 seconds after successful payment. However, sometimes the system delay when installing on your website can be up to 2-5 minutes. Please wait a moment and reload the page to see it.<br> - If after 5 minutes but the payment status does not change and Better Page configuration is not installed, please send an email to for support |