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10 things vaping taught me about life

I can say that for a former heavy smoker like me, switching to e-cigarettes was a big decision. Vaping not only helped me quit my bad habit, but also helped me see how my life has improved, directly or indirectly. I thought hard, and here are ten things vaping has taught me about life.

10. What you sow is what you reap

Sometimes you feel like your life is boring. Sure, you can keep taking puffs of your e- liquid , but that’s not the most exciting experience you can have. So mix your e-liquid with anything you can think of, you get what you pay for, so mix it up however you want. Work harder, or get into a hobby ( drip tip , hats, or colorful e-liquid bottles). Sit down and talk to a homeless person instead of just dropping a few bucks in his can. You reap what you sow, so reap something good.

9. Everyone has a story

A stranger is a friend you haven’t met, that’s what I’ve learned after a few conversations with people who have noticed me vaping in public. Sometimes we can seem cold and distant, especially in a big city. But there are plenty of opportunities to make friendly connections with e-cigarettes. Don’t ignore the looks, embrace them, and take the time to tell people about your hobby (if they’re willing to listen).

8. Recharge yourself

Sometimes you just need a pick-me-up, whether it’s a vacation or a lazy day binge-watching your favorite show. Just like an e-cigarette works best when it’s fully charged and dies when it’s dead. So when you’re feeling tired or bored, just recharge in whatever way works best for you (a glass of fruit juice from Fruity Fact is a good choice).

7. We can fool ourselves

The cravings are actually very mild, but we’ve already formed a habit that’s hard to break. My first e-cigarette was a device that looked a bit like the sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who, and it felt weird. And then I found the cig-a-like. It felt more natural, and the shape of the cig-a-like helped me keep vaping without missing cigarettes. I’ve successfully tricked my brain like that.

6. The stairs are not scary

I rarely pay attention to my breathing, because it seems so natural. But after using vape, I realized something that anyone who has been a long-term smoker can understand. You don't gasp for breath like you've run a marathon after climbing a flight of stairs. In fact, physical activities that used to take a lot of effort now become easier. You don't realize that smoking makes light exercise difficult until you stop. Since vaping, stairs have never been a challenge for me.

5. No need to burn anything

Quitting smoking and using e-cigarettes was the best thing I ever did for my health, and it's the best thing we can do for the planet. We can use something that's fun and doesn't harm the environment.

4. Nature

We may look different people, coming from different countries, with different genes. But underneath all those physical differences, we probably have a lot in common in terms of preferences, needs, and personalities. Like disposable e-cigs and large modern box mods, they may look different, but they all work in the same general way.

3. Live simply

For me, a simple life is always the best choice. The more complicated your life is, the more tired and exhausted you will feel. Just compare the four-ingredient essential oil and the hundreds of chemical ingredients in cigarettes. One will not cause any harm and will give you a pleasant experience, the other will destroy you from the inside and make you suffer from many terrible diseases.

2. Life is not fair

Being a vaper has taught me that life is sometimes unfair. Even though it is legal and scientifically proven to have no harmful effects on others, vaping is still banned in some public places.

1. Every wound can be healed.

One of the best things about vaping is that it has made me realize how delicious food tastes. I didn’t notice it when I was smoking, but now that my sense of smell and taste has recovered from the damage caused by smoking, eating has become a lot easier. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it! Just as it takes time and patience to restore your sense of taste, I think any damage can be repaired. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, your finances, or whatever it is that’s bothering you. It’s not always easy, and it can take a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it when you succeed.

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