The NHS has repeatedly advised that vaping can help people quit smoking, but they have also found that simply giving advice is not enough to change a habit that is so deeply ingrained in the community.
Although vaping is not completely harmless, according to the NHS, it is still the best way to free the UK from harmful cigarette smoke. And to prove its argument, this time the British government has really acted with iron determination and a policy that appears for the first time in the world.
This year 2023, the British government has made a very surprising decision: Giving away 1 million completely free vape kits to people across the country, along with a subsidy of 400 pounds to support pregnant women in the process of quitting smoking.
Critics say vaping is not an effective way to quit smoking, as even without maintenance costs, a vape device costs around £20-30. However, under the new campaign, pregnant women will be offered up to £400 to help them quit smoking, along with detailed advice on suitable forms of quitting smoking.
The UK government has set a target of becoming smoke-free by 2030 - which would mean reducing smoking rates to 5% or more. Health Secretary Neil O'Brien will make a formal announcement on the plan today. The speech is expected to include the following.
“Two out of three long-term smokers will die from secondhand smoke. Cigarettes are the only commercially available product that can kill you when used properly.”
“This is the latest support from the government. We will fund the “Swap to Stop” scheme - the world's first smoking cessation policy.
However, Professor Martin McKee of the University of London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene said:
“With the pressures the NHS is facing, is this the right use of resources, as raising taxes on tobacco would be more effective.'
“E-cigarettes have only been shown to be effective when used in a supervised setting with behavioral support, but even then the effectiveness is low.”
“The focus should be on making product packaging less appealing, banning tempting flavors and limiting advertising of vape products.”
Vape kits will be available to smokers in a range of designs, nicotine levels and flavours. They will also receive support to quit smoking. People can also seek support from community health centres and smoking cessation services.
In the UK, there are more than 3 million vape users, and experts also agree that vaping is safer than smoking because it contains liquid nicotine that is vaporized, minimizing the harmful effects of cigarette smoke.
Vaping advocates point out that e-cigarettes have helped 50,000 smokers quit smoking , according to a 2017 British study. But the World Health Organization (WHF) warns against studies that contradict the use of e-cigarettes to quit smoking.
The Swap to Stop scheme is expected to cost £45m to run for two years. The government says around 9% of pregnant women smoke during pregnancy and hopes that with financial and behavioural support this will be stopped by the end of the year.
Ms Deborah Arnot, CEO of ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) said:
“Vapes help increase quitting success, as do vouchers for pregnant women who smoke. These are commendable steps, but they are not enough.”
The government also announced the creation of a £3m “vape investigation team” to investigate and tackle illegal vaping and sales of products to minors. The most prominent example of this is the withdrawal of a popular vape product from the UK market after The Mail revealed it exceeded the legal nicotine level. Specifically, Elf Bar recalled 600 products, accounting for ⅔ of the single-use vape products in the UK after the health authority intervened.
Source: Government offer million vape-starter kits bid make Britain smokefree
The Vape Club translation