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Build coil 101


You want to learn how to build coils but don’t know where to start. That’s okay, because you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to coil building 101: the ultimate guide to building coils.

Building coils can save you money instead of buying disposable coils that you have to replace every week. It is also a fun hobby that vapers can not only feel proud of, but also satisfied when enjoying the fruits of their labor. The best way to improve your skills is to keep practicing and refer to the tutorials of coil builders.

Tools you will need:

Winding wire – Kanthal, SS, Nickel, Nichrome... (You can refer to the characteristics of the wire types here ).

Diagonal Pliers – Pliers that can cut in small gaps.

Tweezers – You should use the ceramic tip type to clamp the coil while testing the burn.

Small metal tube - A mini screwdriver or coil jig.

Cotton – Or whatever wick you want.

Scissors – To cut cotton.

Other tools:

Ohm meter – Or a mod that can accurately read resistance.

Coil jig – Support coil winding.

Vape machine – So you can vape and roll coils at the same time.

Micro and Macro

Micro and macro coils are the two earliest and most popular types of coils. You make them by wrapping a piece of wire around the body of a coil jig or screwdriver. The difference between micro and macro coils is the inner diameter of the coil.

The part that connects directly to the coil hole on the atomizer to build is called the coil foot.

Micro – Micro coil has an inner diameter of 1-2mm.

Macro – Macro coil has an inner diameter larger than 2mm.

The larger the inner diameter of the coil, the higher the resistance and vice versa. And the thicker the wire used to wrap the coil, the lower the resistance of the coil. You should use wire types like Kanthal 26 or 28 when you first learn to build coils.

Twist it

If you want to get more complex with your coil, you can always try a twisted wire build. You twist two pieces of wire into one with a drill or by hand, then use the pieces here and there to continue winding into a macro coil.

Twisted wire is a way to increase surface area without decreasing resistance. This build has a big impact on flavor and is much easier to do than Clapton builds.

Single coil or dual coil

You may have noticed that many coils are not just one but are made in pairs, also known as twin coils. Twin coils can produce better vapor than single coils. When making twin coils, you must make sure that the two coils are identical in shape and size so that they can work together.

With two identical coils, the total resistance will be half the resistance of each coil. In other words, if you have a pair of coils with a resistance of 0.6 ohms, the resistance of both will be 0.3 ohms. If you remove one coil, the resistance will be 0.6 ohms again.

Build coil 101

Warning: you should learn about ohm's law and battery safety before starting to learn how to build coils to ensure safety.

One of the best ways to learn how to build coils is through YouTube tutorials. There are tons of videos that will walk you through everything from simple to complex coils. Grab your wire, tools, and cotton, and it’s time to build.

You should watch the video first and then try to follow along.

The Vape Club also has some basic coil building tutorial videos you can refer to.

Basic coil and cotton wick building tutorial video:


Clapton coil building instructions:



Building coils is an art, but you don’t have to be an expert to do it. Anyone can make a simple coil with the right instructions, and you don’t have to get it right the first time.

Vaping and coil building go hand in hand, and have become a huge part of vaping culture. Now that you have the basics down, let’s try your hand at building your own pair of coils.

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