Let's take a look at the types of vapers that are currently present in the vape community, the most typical are five types: Cloud Bros, Mod Snobs, Juice Hoarders, Vape Smurfettes and Super Ninja.
Identify a vaper and their vaping style
What is a Vaper? A vaper is simply a person who vapes . They come in all shapes, sizes, races, religions, sexual orientations, and more. No matter how diverse the vaping community is, there are certain types of vapers. And this article is about five types of vapers. You probably know people who fall into these categories. If you frequent vape shops and vaper hangouts, you know that these types of vapers live the same way they vape. And maybe you are one of them.
Please remember that this article is not meant to be demeaning to any type of vaper. It is just a fun article about the behaviors and styles of some vapers. It is just a way to celebrate the wonderful styles that have emerged in the vaping community. And if you happen to be one of these five groups, embrace it and be yourself.
Type 1: The Cloud Bros
Vapers are the ones you see in black t-shirts at vaper gatherings, the thing that excites Cloud Bro the most is the vapor. The flavor and nicotine are secondary to what they like when it comes to vaping, they will still enjoy it occasionally if it doesn’t interfere with their ability to produce big clouds. Cloud Bro likes low resistance coils and high wattage mods. Anything under 100W is child’s play for them.
If we were to describe Cloud Bro in more detail, people would use the term Pokemon game, evolution. They may occasionally use regular box mods, but their real vape device is a mech mod . They never use mechs made of stainless steel because the conductivity of these mods is not good. The mechs they like to use are made of brass and tellurium copper. You will see Cloud Bro appear in the smoke and vape trick competitions at the vape expo.
Type 2: Mod Snob
As a huge fan, even a fanatic, of vaping devices, Mod Snobs absolutely hate vaping devices made in China. They will even reject quality vaping products made in their own country, simply because they are not authentic. Although they are proud of their products and look down on cheap vaping devices, they are basically harmless. They will happily show you their latest and greatest set of devices.
Mod Snobs fall into two categories. One category is obsessed with rare and exclusive mods. They will spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars to get their hands on a limited edition. They will scream with joy when a popular mod maker announces a new mod is coming. This category of Mod Snob loves to be the first in the world to get their hands on a new mod… and then a month or two later, they will ditch the old product for something more unique.
The second type is the performance junkie. This type of mod snob has a very good knowledge of how mods work and how voltages are reduced. They say they can tell the difference between a mod that can reduce voltage to 0.09 and a mod that can reduce voltage to 0.14. They want the best performance mods money can buy. Aesthetics and other features are not important to this type of vaper.
Type 3: Juice Hoarder
You’ll immediately recognize this type of vaper as soon as you walk into their home. There are bottles of e-liquid lying around. You’ll find e-liquid in the living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. If this person is building an addition, there’s a good chance they have a stash of e-liquid in that unfinished room.
The interesting thing about Juice Hoarders is that most of them don’t care whether they like the juice they collect or not. They happily pick up every type of juice they can find. It doesn’t matter what the nicotine strength is or what the flavor is, they have to have it all.
Style 4: Smurfette
If you are a regular at a vape shop or have attended a few vape expos, you will see that the ratio of male to female vapers is very different. The ratio of male to female vapers in the world is almost equal, but in the vape world, it is not like that. So if a female vaper appears, she will become a queen.
Of course, there are pros and cons to being a female vaper. On the plus side, female vapers are pampered by male vapers. They can choose whatever they want, and can even own multiple devices and e-juices without spending a dime. So, being a queen is great, right?
On the other hand, Smurfette is often underestimated. Some uncultured male vapers do not consider female vapers as real vapers. For example, if they see a female builder, they will make up absurd reasons to criticize her.
Style 5: Super Ninja
This type of vaper can be extremely fun or extremely annoying, sometimes even both. Super Ninjas like to vape anytime and anywhere. Sometimes they vape to satisfy their nicotine cravings, sometimes just to prove that they can. They vape in places where they shouldn’t vape, restaurants, airports, planes, stores, etc. And most of the time they can vape without being caught.
What kind of vaper are you?
Do you know anyone who falls into one of these five categories of vapers? And which category do they fall into? What about you? Leave a comment below.