A new study from Cornell University has said that raising the age limit for vaping is actually leading to an increase in teen smoking.
In a study published in Preventive Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine investigators reported that from 2007 to 2013, after the country introduced new age restrictions for e-cigarettes, e-cigarette use led to an 11.7% increase in teen tobacco use.
Believing that raising the vaping age will help curb teen smoking, lawmakers across the US have proposed bills that would raise the age for vaping to match the smoking age in some states to a new high of 21. Politicians and public health advocates argue that e-cigarettes can expose kids to nicotine and lead to them switching to cigarettes, and therefore need to be more tightly regulated.
A ballot measure to raise the cigarette tax in North Dakota (USA) has been announced, resulting in a 400% increase in taxes on cigarettes. The new tax will range from $0.44 to $2.20 per pack in North Dakota. Lawmakers are justifying the tax increase, arguing that if cigarettes are more expensive, fewer people will smoke.
Some of the proceeds from the cigarette tax would go to a new trust fund for veterans. While it’s a good use of taxes, tax increases are more widespread than just raising taxes on cigarettes. It’s also a pain for vaping.