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Does vaping need an anthem? Damian Morter thinks so, so he wrote a great song of his own. “Hard To Breathe” is described on his about page as a song specifically about vapers .

In the video, Morter sits alone with a guitar and a microphone. He starts the song with a delicate classical melody, and begins to sing. His voice starts from a whisper and turns into a sad exclamation. The lyrics are sincere and meaningful.

“All around the world, people are losing in this fight

Just because there's money to be made doesn't make it right

All we want to do is kiss our babies one more time

but we're finding it hard to breathe”

Most people who have quit smoking in the past will identify with this song. Vapers are suffocated by cigarette smoke, and then juggling government regulations and public health, and it just gets more and more suffocating.

Many vapers will recognize Morter from his reviews on his channel “A Bloody Good Vaping”. He’s been on YouTube for about two years, often reviewing high-end mods and atomizers . His mix of opinions and one-liners is distinctive and often humorous. He also knows what he’s doing, and his reviews are often detailed and informative.

We need more songs about vapers

“Hard To Breath” is the follow-up to Luis Bermudes’ previous song “Vape Advocate” from This Old Vape Shop. The combination of Hip Hop and vaping is quite an interesting approach.

Meanwhile, here at the same time, we are also looking for a lot of vapers who are musically talented. We never cease to be amazed by the talents that vapers possess, so we bet, there are many vapers who have created many songs for e-cigarettes. So if you have ever seen a song related to e-cigarettes written by a vaper, please share it with us in the comments section.

Source: vaping360

Author: Jim McDonald

Translator: The Vape Club

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