We always love it when a smoker gives vaping a chance. And we love it even more when that smoker is one of the funniest people on the planet.
Dave Chappelle arrives on set to film his next scene for Equanimity, complete with a JUUL vape. The comedian now takes puffs of his vape instead of American Spirits along with his jokes. The special is one of four the comedian has filmed for Netflix for his 2017 comeback and will be released in the new year.
Chappelle is known to be a heavy smoker and was even admonished by the Toronto Public Health Board for chain-smoking throughout his 75-minute Canada tour in 2012. On a 2006 special of For What Its Worth, he joked about being kicked out of a strip club for smoking and appeared in a 1999 film called 200 Cigarettes.
You see, Dave Chappelle smokes a lot too.
Back at the New Year’s show, Dave never once put down his JUUL during the entire set. While the JUUL may be one of the best devices for discreet vaping, being discreet on stage with a mic isn’t easy. The audience did notice, and the pod mod really came into focus towards the end of the show, when a fan asked if he could take a puff, and Dave politely declined.
Add Chappelle's name to the list of celebrities who vape, including Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Perry, and Samuel L. Jackson. Whether celebrity vapers have any impact on public opinion about vaping remains to be seen, but they can certainly encourage smokers to give vaping a chance, or make would-be smokers choose safer options.