Visually speaking, all types of vape mods, pods or electronic cigarettes in general are made up of many different components. Each detail contributes to the final result when we vape.
But among all the details from coil, cotton, chimney, chamber,... have you ever thought that Drip Tip is the piece that affects the most to the vape experience? Why good atomizers must never lack a "genuine" drip tip, let's find out with TVC through this article.
1. Where does the term “Drip Tip” come from?
The term “Drip tip” was born from an extremely popular vaping style in the past, which is vaping with an RDA. RDA or “Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer” was born to overcome the disadvantages of the first generation of vape pens, which were flavor quality and smoke thickness.
To have more smoke and stronger flavor, the prerequisite is that the cotton inside must always be soaked with essential oil. before each vape, and the way to ensure that is to drip e-juice directly into the atomizer. The first drip tips were also born with this special atomizer line, their function at that time was simply to provide a large enough window right above so that users could drip juice directly onto the coil without having to lift the top cap of the RDA.
Driptip is a generic term for removable nozzles on burners.
Nowadays, drip tip has become a common noun to refer to all types of removable suction nozzles on burners. You may not know but drip tips have 2 connection pin sizes: 510 and 810. Of which, the 510 pin is the most popular, at the present time 99.9% of burners are equipped with this standard connection pin. Drip tip 810 is only used on large burners, but I'm pretty sure that the manufacturers of this type of burner will always include an adapter to convert from 810 to the common 510.
2. What is a drip tip? Uses of a drip tip
At first glance, the drip tip has no other function than to add a highlight to your atomizer. However, in addition to aesthetics, the drip tip also plays an essential role in the vape experience, it is the connection point between the vape and the user, so it also determines the temperature and the ability to spread the vape vapor in the mouth.
Depending on the shape, size, and material, a drip tip can significantly enhance or detract from a user’s vaping experience. Generally speaking, a long drip tip produces cooler vapor while a short drip tip produces warmer vapor. A wide drip tip will mix more air into the vape vapor, resulting in more vapor, while a narrow drip tip will condense and make the vape vapor more flavorful and separate the flavors better.
3. How does the shape of the drip tip affect the experience?
The width of your drip tip determines how you take a puff from your vape, which is why it’s the first and most important factor to consider when choosing a new drip tip. With a wide drip tip, you allow a larger amount of air to flow through the coil system. More air means more diluted vapor and larger clouds, but as you might have guessed, this makes the vapor a lot less potent.
In contrast to a narrow-diameter drip tip, the amount of air passing through the atomizer's airflow system is squeezed, so the smaller the drip tip, the more you will have to inhale MTL style to avoid running out of breath when vaping. Small drip tips have the advantage of condensing the vape smoke, making the vape more flavorful but also less smoke.
The length of the drip tip determines the temperature of the vape vapor. The shorter the drip tip, the shorter the journey of the vape smoke from the combustion chamber to the mouth and therefore the vape vapor will have a higher temperature. On the contrary, a long tip will produce cooler vape vapor. Normally, a standard drip tip length of about 1.5cm is enough to use in all cases. These short tips produce vape vapor with a perceived temperature of about 50*C, which is the ideal temperature for our taste buds to feel the sweet, sour, and fatty flavors in vape.
The length of the drip tip determines the temperature of the vape vapor.
However, for those who play pure tobacco juice or many layers of flavor mixed together, longer drip tips, about 2.7-3m, are the optimal choice to feel the vape vapor in the most detailed and clear way. Although long tips make the vape vapor lighter than short tips, they also produce vape smoke with a temperature close to room temperature, helping the user's sense of smell to clearly distinguish the layers of flavor, the ingredients are mixed subtly in the juice.
Round drip tip, flat drip tip
Unlike the above two factors, the design shape of the drip tip has almost no effect on the flavor of the vape vapor. However, no effect does not mean it is not important. In terms of appearance, a whistle-shaped tip will look more beautiful and unique than the traditional round tip. Not to mention that the flat drip tip will hug the user's lips, helping to create a comfortable feeling when sucking.
Since this is purely an aesthetic factor, feel free to choose the tip that best suits your eyes as an accessory for your vape. In my personal opinion, I would prefer a flat tip for an AIO device, while for traditional round RDAs and RTAs, a round, slim drip tip would be a more beautiful choice.
See part 2 of the article here .