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The value of vaping needs to be properly recognized by the whole community.

We have long been familiar with false news about vaping. Every year when the “season” comes, there is a series of news reports, so it is okay to not see it and not get angry. But in the past few days, both public opinion and the vaping community have been stirred up by the news of “a 20-year-old girl in Hanoi being hospitalized after using an electronic cigarette”.

For those who understand vape correctly , we will definitely recognize the suspicious point immediately because we know that vape cannot cause such terrible complications. But for those who only know about vape through a few pictures or have just seen their children using vape, for example, they have not researched deeply, just looking at that title will immediately give a bad review of this product. Although at the end of the article with that "sensational" title, the author also clearly stated that inside the vape device that the victim used was a new generation of synthetic drugs, but in general, this article is still very misleading. The fact that young people lack knowledge and use vape for the wrong purpose is 1, but the sensational headlines of the media causing public confusion are 10. We need to be alert and clearly understand that: Such things are just "a bad apple spoiling the barrel", completely not representing vape and the entire vaper community.

Vape and the values ​​it brings need to be appreciated. Basically, vape works like the kettle we use at home, it converts electricity into heat to vaporize essential oils. Vape itself is just a tool, created for the legitimate purpose of replacing cigarettes. Many countries have pioneered in promoting the image of the product and the vape community, as well as a series of prestigious research organizations that are always ready to work day and night to bring vape out of the "gray area", becoming a more civilized product than the old generation of cigarettes. For example, the Royal College of Physicians of England has conducted many studies to confirm that: With current data, the potential harm of vape cannot exceed 5% of the risk of causing disease of cigarettes, and may even be significantly lower than this number... They also believe that e-cigarettes are effective in helping people quit smoking.

It can be seen that vape in Vietnam in particular and the world in general is an extremely attractive choice with reasonable prices and countless advantages compared to traditional cigarettes. However, for this product to develop and become more widely known, it requires the wisdom of the whole community.

Understanding vape correctly does not necessarily mean having used vape, just need to know what vape is, what a civilized vape user is like and absolutely remember never to use vape for wrong purposes. A knowledgeable vaper community and a civilized society will always know how to select news and have a correct and objective view of the problem.

Credit: Vape Vietnam

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