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Vape Guide for Christmas and New Year

And Christmas and New Year are just around the corner, the festive season is the time when we can throw away all our worries and let loose. And of course, during this relaxed period, vapers themselves also face a few challenges.

Putting aside the looks and gossip you might encounter if you accidentally get caught enjoying yourself at a coffee shop during the holidays, let's talk about how you can "survive" and enjoy your time to the fullest.


Before the holiday madness sets in, stock up on juice , coils , and whatever else you need to get through Christmas and New Year’s. And keep in mind what time your regular vape shop is open. It may only be closed for a day, but do you really want to be stuck in traffic to get your stuff when you could be sitting at home, relaxing with delicious juice and your favorite Christmas movie?

New items for Christmas

You’ve got your stockings and new clothes for Christmas. Why not add some holiday essential oils to your shopping list? There’s no better Christmas essential oil than Jam’s Cranberry or Crow Black ’s pudding.


There are plenty of ideas when it comes to Christmas gifts for vapers, from a newly launched box mod , to new e-liquid flavours, to t-shirts, hats and key chains. You can also give your vaper friends discount vouchers, or join them in events organised by vape shops to receive gifts.

Practice how to vape in secret

While there is a lot of evidence that vaping is safer than smoking, there are still some non-smokers who don’t want to smell vaping near them while dining. And while many bars and restaurants allow vaping, it’s still best to be polite and restrain yourself. Be thoughtful when choosing the e-liquids you use and how you use them.

After the hangover

Imagine waking up on New Year’s morning with a terrible headache, grabbing your box mod and inhaling a sugary e-liquid. Is that really the flavor you should be choosing when your stomach is still growling at you? Maybe you should try something milder and wait for the hangover to wear off.

A little Orange Sorbert in the morning, or Banana Berry Breeze can make you feel more awake.

Do more meaningful things

Your New Year's resolution might be to cut down on nicotine or quit smoking altogether, or you might try encouraging a few of your friends to quit smoking and take up vaping.

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