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Winter of the vaper

Winter is the hardest time for smokers. I remember how I struggled this time last year and suddenly feel much better about myself as an ex-smoker. See if you can relate.

1. This time last year, I usually had a cold that turned into bronchitis or worse. I still smoke, just cut back a little. It took me over a month to get over it. I'm not saying I won't catch a cold this year, but if I do get one, it probably won't be as bad as last year.

2. Have you ever noticed how bad it smells when you smoke outside in the cold? The cold air makes the smell stick to you even more. Even my car smells terrible in the winter.

3. I never smoke inside even in the coldest time of year, but I smoke in the garage outside. I set up a folding table, an ashtray, a few books, and a portable heater. I wake up early in the morning, turn on the heater, grab a cup of coffee, put on a hat, a jacket, gloves, and sit there, miserable, smoking into the dawn. I can’t believe I was that crazy. Not anymore. I can vape in the warmth of my home.

4. I used to work in an office with only a handful of smokers. They had to go out in the cold several times a day, huddled together to keep warm, which I still find funny now when I think about it.

5. The worst thing is that I always have to go out when I'm partying, shopping or eating to smoke, which is a waste of time. Now I can freely vape in public.

I am very different this winter.

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