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US: Council in St Joseph, MO votes to allow e-cigarettes to be used in public

Last Wednesday, members of the St. Joseph City Council, a city in central Missouri, voted to remove e-cigarette products from the St. Joseph Smoke-Free Indoor Air Ordinance, and the majority voted yes. That means you could be allowed to vape in public spaces.

The ordinance was introduced in 2014 and came into effect after a petition to ban smoking in enclosed public spaces. At the time of the ordinance, e-cigarettes were lumped into the tobacco category. However, the state later asserted that nicotine replacement products and vapes would not be taxed and regulated like tobacco products, so the ban on e-cigarettes was never implemented. And only recently did council members decide to take action and restructure the ordinance, and they selected three possible options for a vote:

1. Enact new laws to reinforce prohibitions.

2. Remove e-cigarette products from the ordinance, allowing their use in public spaces.

3. Leave everything as is and violate state law.

Most voted vote

St. Joseph City Council

Although staff recommended the third option, saying it was in line with what residents had previously voted for, the majority of council members voted for the second option. Council member PJKovac acknowledged that he voted to allow vaping in public spaces, adding that “there is no law against it in the state and it doesn’t count as tobacco.” Kovac added that the ban had never been implemented, so he didn’t think the people of St. Joseph would be upset by the vote.

Good news

In a country where e-cigarettes are heavily demonized and heavily regulated, with new bills constantly being proposed to restrict them, the removal of this ban is like a new wave of prices for vapers and new businesses. It should be pointed out that, after this law comes into effect, business owners can allow or prohibit vaping in their areas as they wish.

You could vape in public if this law passes

St. Joseph's local council is expected to make a final decision by vote at its meeting on November 7.

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