Even if you’re new to vaping , you’ve probably discovered the freedom and convenience that vaping brings. This independence is most evident when you’re traveling long distances.
That said, there are some conditions you need to follow if you want to take your beloved mod or atomizer out and about. To make your next trip as comfortable as possible and ensure you comply with the laws of your destination, consider the following tips.
Travel by air
Not only is flying the fastest way to get to your destination, it’s also the most restrictive. You can’t vape on a plane, but you’ll still want to pack your e-cigarette in your carry-on. Don’t put yourself through the pain of losing your device if your luggage suddenly goes missing.
Also, the FAA doesn’t want you to carry e-cigarettes in your checked luggage. The lithium batteries used to power e-cigarettes pose a fire hazard in the cargo area. Don’t worry about carrying your e-cigarette through security; most security guards know what they are, and the x-rays from the scanner won’t damage your device.
Bringing extra essential oils and atomizers? Put them in your carry-on. Temperature changes in the overhead compartment can cause essential oil bottles to crack and leak onto your belongings. Essential oils should be stored in a clear plastic bag that holds no more than 100ml.
Travel by sea
Cruise lines have been trying to tackle smoking for years. They’ve always tried, with limited success, to balance passenger satisfaction without hurting revenue. Most cruise lines are now smoking-free, but that’s a pretty lenient approach for vapers .
Some cruise lines still allow you to vape in designated areas, or more friendly, allow you to vape on your private balcony, pool, casino, and in bars. Some cruise lines even allow vaping everywhere on the ship except the dining room.
Land travel
Traveling overland gives you the freedom to take to the open road and do whatever you like in your vehicle. No need to roll down the windows to throw out cigarette butts or blow out smoke. Talk to your passengers and adjust the cabin temperature to your liking with the windows closed while you vape.
Of course, you will have to remember to prepare all the necessary things for your e-cigarette such as batteries, atomizer, e-liquid and charger.
If you don't already have an e-cigarette charger in your car, consider purchasing one, as this can ensure your device will run continuously, as long as the car is running.
Tips for traveling with vape
Always have a spare battery pack, you always need a spare battery especially when traveling long distances. Don't let yourself fall into a situation where you want to vape but the battery is dead. Before leaving the house, remember to charge the battery in the device and the spare battery.
No matter where you’re going or what your plans are when you get there, always make sure to check out reputable vape shops in your destination before heading out. This can be a great resource if you run out of juice or accidentally damage your device.