Cigarettes are a haunting obsession for women and children, and the upper class is gradually not smoking. If you are a long-time smoker and want to quit, you must prepare carefully for a successful quit.
Important notes when quitting smoking
You must set a date to make your decision to quit smoking: The time to implement this decision to quit smoking should last from 10 to 15 days, during which time you must comply with the following requirements:
– You should not keep cigarettes in your pocket. When you crave a cigarette, you should think about special images or do something to forget this feeling, because after just 5-10 minutes of trying to resist the craving to smoke, this need will disappear.
– When you crave a cigarette, ask yourself the following questions to see its meaninglessness: Why do I have to smoke this cigarette? Smoking will increase the risk of lung cancer and other dangerous diseases, so why do I smoke? Why is it so harmful that I still smoke?
Why do we destroy our health, the health of our family members and those around us? We have already destroyed our health and we have to spend money. Let's save money for things that are more necessary and beneficial to our health. Our children are watching us. They will follow our example and become addicted to drugs in the future. How much will we regret it then?
– When we can't stand it anymore, we should go buy some cigarettes instead of keeping them at home or in our pocket and just buying one.
– Try to extend the time between two cigarettes as long as possible.
– When smoking, you should inhale the smoke and hold it in your mouth, do not let the smoke go deep into your lungs. You should smoke about half of the cigarette and then throw it away, do not smoke it all the way to the end (because it will be very toxic due to the amount of nicotine remaining in the back of the cigarette). When smoking, you should use a cigarette with a filter or use a separate filter to filter out the nicotine.
In between cigarettes, we should use substitutes such as chewing gum, eating candy, or sucking on some suitable foods. We can also drop clove oil into our mouth to reduce the craving for cigarettes.
– On the big day of deciding to quit smoking, we can do the following:
– Organize a party for family members and close friends to announce that this is the day we will quit smoking and ask for help. Ask everyone to pay attention and remind us if we violate, encourage us to overcome difficulties when cravings appear, and inform relatives and friends who come to visit not to smoke in front of us.
– Remove all symbols that can remind you of smoking (change the scenery where you usually smoke, throw away ashtrays…).
– Change the habits that usually accompany smoking, such as drinking coffee in the morning at a familiar coffee shop, with certain friends. Avoid meeting people who often smoke with you.
– You should exercise regularly, start by walking for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Walking will help the body produce endogenous morphine, which can eliminate the craving for cigarettes. Exercise or tai chi, qigong… all help the body secrete endogenous morphine. Practicing meditation and relaxation regularly every day will promote its unique effects, helping the body to escape dependence on cigarettes, alcohol and even drugs.
– If you still have the urge to smoke, take the following steps to immediately extinguish that craving: take a deep breath like when you are smoking an electronic cigarette, hold it for as long as possible. Take a sip of water (or you can take many sips continuously), drinking a lot of water also helps to quickly eliminate nicotine from the body. Suck on a toothpick, a piece of cinnamon or a slice of licorice.
Eat a piece of candy or chew gum. Find a job or hobby to distract yourself from the urge to smoke.
Learn more about smoking cessation:
Foods that help in the process of quitting smoking
7 effective ways to quit smoking
US President Barack Obama successfully quit smoking
The most effective way to quit smoking today
Lung Recovery After You Quit Smoking
Why should you use electronic cigarettes instead of traditional cigarettes?
What effect does E-liquid have on smokers?
Did you know vaping can help you quit smoking effectively?
Good luck!