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Vape Etiquette: Unwritten Rules Every Vaper Should Know


You've bought an expensive vape kit and the right premium e- juice . Now it's time to go out and vape freely, whenever and wherever you want.

You'd think, it's not a cigarette, so it's okay, right? Well, that's not necessarily the case.

Regardless of the changes in the law, the vaping community has its own unwritten rules of how to behave when vaping in public. Whether you’re new to vaping or a seasoned cloud chaser, we should all know the basic rules of etiquette. After all, it’s not just basic courtesy, but how we behave now can have a huge impact on our future development.

Why is that important?

Vaping is still a relatively new concept, and obvious concepts like cloud chasers and sub ohm vapes have only become popular in recent years. Regulations for vaping are just beginning to emerge, and it is likely that vaping will be as tightly regulated as smoking. We can individually push these laws in our favor by behaving responsibly and showing the public that vaping is not only different and healthier than smoking, but also acceptable to the public. But more than that, it is the right way to behave. The following tips may be considered basic etiquette, but they are valuable in establishing rules of conduct that make vaping a harmless hobby rather than an unpleasant habit.


- At home: Your home, your rules. Unlike cigarettes, vaping doesn't stain furniture or interiors, and the smell doesn't linger for long, so if you want to spend an evening vaping indoors, go for it. But if you have guests over, air out the room before they arrive and make sure they don't mind you vaping in front of them. Remember, there are still a lot of people who don't know what vaping is or how it works, so make them feel comfortable.

- Driving: The UK has just passed a law banning smoking in cars. This doesn’t apply to vaping yet, but it’s a warning. A car that’s foggy will affect the driver’s vision, making it a hazard for other road users. Another danger is fogging up the windshield if you’re using a high VG e-liquid. Generally speaking, you shouldn’t vape while driving or if you’re a passenger, but if you want to, use PG e-liquid and open the windows to let the smoke out.

- Outside: If you’re in a mountainous area with nothing but sheep and sky, then vape freely! But if you’re in a busy city or waiting for a taxi, be mindful of the people around you. Your blueberry coffee e-liquid may be great for you, but many people don’t want to inhale the smoke you exhale. Be mindful, and take a few steps back from the crowd so the smoke doesn’t blow towards them.

- Personal: This is a tricky one. If you're in a movie theater or a concert, don't vape. Vapor impairs visibility, and if you're around other people, they may find the smell of vape fumes offensive. Stores, bars, and clubs vary and depend a lot on the laws of the country or state. If vaping isn't illegal, ask the staff. Even if it's allowed, be responsible. Blow smoke in a secluded area or on the floor. Restaurants are a more delicate issue. You have to make sure it's acceptable not only to the restaurant staff, but also to other customers. The easiest thing to do is just walk out.

- Public transport: Buses, trains and planes have all started to have rules against vaping. If it is not banned, then passengers will definitely not like the smell of vape or cigarette smoke, so avoid vaping on public transport.

Social situations

It’s not just about where we vape, we should also consider how we behave around others. Here are some guidelines.

- Children and pets: You wouldn’t smoke around children, so don’t vape. PG-containing e-liquids can have negative effects on dogs and cats and can lead to anemia. Avoid vaping around pets or switch to VG e-liquids. Most importantly, don’t leave your vape device unsupervised near children or pets. Mods can catch fire and e-liquids containing nicotine can be toxic.

Non-smokers: If in doubt, ask. Most non-smokers don’t mind people vaping around, but it’s always a good idea to check first. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, and while studies have shown vaping to be safe, many people don’t know this.

- Smokers: Don't criticize them, most of us have been in their shoes. If they are interested, explain to them the benefits of vaping, but be careful not to sound too condescending.

- Vapers: Again, respect them and don’t criticize their choices. Some people are happy with Cig-a-likes, and others like unique complex builds. We are a community and should respect other vapers’ preferences. If you get to try another vaper’s kit, use your own drip tips or disposable drip tips.

Hidden Vape

Some vapers use “stealth vapes,” hiding their devices and holding the vapor longer so it’s less noticeable when they exhale. This is a bit problematic. If you’re just doing it to trick people, don’t. There’s a chance you’ll get caught and it will affect the community. However, if you’re doing it to keep yourself from standing out too much at a licensed vape center, that’s fine.


It’s all about basic manners. Studies have shown that vape smoke is not toxic, but some people don’t like having their vapor blown directly near them. If you can, tell them, but don’t go too far because they don’t like being lectured. Cloudchasing in public is bad manners, so keep it to yourself.

Just ask people around you if they mind.

And if they do mind, respect their wishes. This is a sensitive time for vapers around the world, with many countries and states starting to tighten regulations. If we can create a positive image for vaping, that would help a lot.

This article was published on vaping360 by Ian Jones and translated by The Vape Club

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