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Right to Vape: A New US Campaign Calls on Lawmakers to Reconsider FDA Law

In response to the recent FDA regulations that have had a huge impact on the health and financial well-being of many people, three organizations in the US have joined forces to organize the campaign, Right to Vape . The ATR (Americans for Tax Reform), CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association), and AVA (American Vaping Association), have decided to join forces and organize a bus tour this October. Their plan is to visit 15 major states and talk to the authorities about why they should reconsider the FDA regulations. Time is on the campaign’s side as these politicians will want as many votes as possible for the November elections.

With 15,000 vaping businesses on the brink of bankruptcy, Paul Blair, from ATR’s external affairs team, pointed out that the goal of the trip was to raise awareness among lawmakers and the public about the benefits of switching from smoking to vaping, and also to show them the risks facing small businesses in the industry. The ultimate goal is to get politicians to review and revise the regulations that have been enacted.

Present reliable research results

Amidst the hype surrounding vaping products, some anti-smoking experts and agencies have condemned them for a variety of reasons, from the fact that some e- liquids contain nicotine , to the theory that vaping will lead to smoking. However, many health experts and organizations on an international scale have spoken out in favor of vaping, citing evidence and research that vaping is safer than smoking and is the most effective method of quitting smoking .

The Right to Vape campaign will travel through Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. They hope that the evidence supporting the benefits of vaping outlined above will reach the right people, reaching individuals who can truly make an impact.

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