These two new super compact vapes have just been launched on the market, shaped like two women's cosmetics.
In a vape culture that is largely male-centric, two new vape products aimed at women are a breath of fresh air.
Most vape manufacturers have ignored the female demographic, while the industry awaits solid consumer data on how many women are vaping and how they vape.
But now there are some hard numbers. According to an ongoing study by market research group BDS, women make up more than half of consumers in Colorado and California. Meanwhile, a 2016 Gallup poll found that one in eight Americans vape, so if women make up a quarter of that, we’d have about 10 million female vapers.
Vaping is a feminist revolution whether you like it or not, and vaping is gender neutral, if you're a woman and you like to vape, then vape.
Lipstick and mascara-shaped vapes from Colorado-based INDVR are the product of this revolution. Their goal? To be able to vape without being noticed, even carry it anywhere without being detected. The product’s tag proudly proclaims, “beautiful, stylish, easy to hide.” So do these vapes work as they say?
Bet Big on Stealth
INDVR is betting big on the need for small, undetectable vapes, with three vapes that meet this need: the Elite Pen, Mascara, and Lipstick.
The INDVR packaging is quite compact with the basics: a Mini USB charger and a wall outlet. All three vapes are very compact and stylish, made from steel alloy and painted black.
The Elite pen is the most stealthy of the three - It writes and looks like a Montblanc, you can use the end of the pen as a drip tip. Yes, biting the end of the pen is weird and looks dirty. But without Mascara and Lipstick, you don't need to remove the cap to suck. During use, they are completely indistinguishable from real pens. The INDVR cosmetic style vape looks like a regular vape when the cap is removed.
And even with the cap, each of these vapes could pass for something other than cosmetics. Customers have said the Lipstick looks more like a USB drive or a phone charger, as it’s larger than a regular lipstick and oddly shaped enough to be mistaken for a dozen other things in a purse. The Mascara is more realistic, long, and a little heavy to hold.
The appearance of these two vapes is too generic to be considered makeup. The lack of any cosmetic brand logo is too obvious, and the layman will naturally not see any problem. In fact, the entire design and production team of these two products are all men.
When asked why they created a vape product for women, Mr. PJ Rinker, Vice President of INDVR explained that the company saw a potential market segment for women that no one had explored.
Lipstick and Mascara are aimed at women who “don’t necessarily want to identify as vapers, but want to be able to use the product anywhere, anytime without being judged or discriminated against,” he said.
The company is getting a lot of positive feedback from women, Mr. Rinker said.
“Women love it,” he shares, “They love the way it looks and they love being able to put it in their pocket or carry it anywhere without anyone asking.”
Should I keep this vape product in my pocket?
INDVR’s goals seem realistic, but the idea of a male-owned company designing products like this is not very appealing to female vapers. These products also imply that women only like jewelry, and that women prefer cute vapes over devices that work well.
While these little suggestions may not seem like much fun, the mere proliferation of these products shows a cultural shift toward accepting that women who smoke or vape are more than just Instagram models or Dabbing Granny. Many professional female vapers are actually professionals and don’t want to waste their time with vape pens.
Women who go out often can be completely comfortable with Mascara and Lipstick, even professional female vapers can sometimes find satisfaction with them. Keep one of these in your bag as a backup when you are out, attending events or feeling a little nervous. After all, their biggest advantage is that they are easy to hide.
There’s no need to wait for consumer surveys to find out what women like. As female vapers, they like the best products, whether they look pretty or look like something a woman might carry in her purse. Most vapers choose products based on function rather than appearance.
Lipstick and Mascara vapes may seem fun, but they’re still feminine products through the eyes of men. Yes, each of these products is a great time-saver, or a fun party trick. But in the future when vaping is normalized, we won’t need to hide our vapes in lipstick or mascara.