We all know how bad a smoker’s breath can get over time. For example, regular smokers can smell a different scent every time they talk, making it difficult to communicate with them!
So why does smoking make your breath smell so bad? And does vaping make your breath smell better? Follow this article to find out!
1. The chemicals in cigarettes have a very negative effect on the user's mouth.
Obviously, the cause of bad breath for traditional cigarette smokers is the cigarette itself. Even after you exhale all the cigarette smoke, your lungs still retain a small amount of chemicals that affect your breathing and the smell of your breath.
Even after your cigarette has gone out, the chemicals from the cigarette remain in your mouth. In South Korea, some studies of smokers have found a link between “nicotinic pigments”—the dark deposits you often see in your mouth—and problems like smoker’s breath.
For a vaper, when using an electronic cigarette, their mouth will not be exposed to substances that cause bad breath. In fact, vape essential oils can even make your mouth smell better!
2. Smoking disrupts the moisture of the mouth.
The combination of tar and nicotine in cigarettes interferes with the normal function of gum tissue cells, making them more susceptible to infection and even more likely to spread.
These bacteria produce something called VSCs (volatile sulfur compounds), which are responsible for a type of bad breath – they give off a sulfuric “rotten egg” smell, a scent that no one wants to be associated with.
Normally, the pH of human saliva is strong enough to fight off odor-causing bacteria in the mouth – until you start smoking. Smoking dries out our mouths, allowing them to become breeding grounds for bacteria. This is also why bad breath starts to get worse.
Vaping is less harmful to your health than smoking in many ways, and this is no exception. While vaping can dry out your mouth a bit, it doesn’t create an environment for bacteria to grow. As long as you stay hydrated, you shouldn’t have to worry about bad breath at all!
3. Smoking creates dirty conditions in the oral environment.
Smoking causes constant dry mouth and this is also the cradle for plaque buildup, tartar and all other related dental problems.
For smokers who are having trouble with their bad breath, many dental experts recommend switching to e-cigarettes. Vaping with sweet, fruity essential oils will ensure that the smoker's breath will be greatly improved.
So it can be concluded that smoking traditional cigarettes not only causes bad breath but also actively creates conditions for dirty bacteria to grow in your mouth. If you want to have fresh breath and healthy teeth, try switching to vaping!
Cre: Ben Johnson - Riotsquad team