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Confessions of a Secret Vaper

I have always been a private smoker. I never smoked in front of my parents, children, or other family members. Some people think that is silly, and I have to admit that I did too. Since I started vaping, I have noticed how much smoke is left behind when I smoke, even though I have smoked for a long time. However, I am very aware of the smell, and many of my non-smoking friends have said that they do not smell of tobacco on me. But I am sure I have many signs, and it is not an issue I want to discuss, so I keep it to myself.

Vaping is also something I keep hidden from my family, because at this point pulling out an e-cigarette device and smoking in front of them makes me uncomfortable because it would mean mentioning that I used to smoke, which I don't want to discuss at this point. So, it can be said that enjoying vaping is just a secret hobby of mine.

Secret and discreet

I’m not talking about the problem most vapers have with their vaping, which is covert vaping. While they’re similar, covert vaping involves trying to hide your vaping from the eyes of others. This requires you to hide all of your vaping gear from anyone, including your family. The bulky chargers are the hardest to hide, but you can throw them all in a backpack and hide them when family and friends come over.

Aside from the equipment, concealing a vape is easier than concealing a cigarette. Vapor dissipates faster than cigarette smoke, and the lingering smell isn’t as strong as cigarette smoke. My boss once asked me if I was burning a scented candle while vaping vanilla e-liquid. If you choose your e-liquid carefully, the pleasant smell of the e-liquid can be mistaken for a candle, scented wax, or perfume. The smell of vapor also doesn’t stick to the vaper.

Location, location, location

When I have guests over, I often excuse myself to go into my bedroom to vape a few times. When I’m out with my family or visiting their house, I often use the bathroom as a vape room. With the exhaust fan running at full blast, there’s only a slight, pleasant smell everywhere. I enjoy spending more time vaping than smoking.

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