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The Asian Vaper Game! The first vaper game show

China's leading marketer, AVE40, has launched the vape world's one-of-a-kind show: The Asian Vaper Games Show!

Launched on September 27th, the game show could be the most exciting show in the vaping world - a well-produced show with exciting games and interviews with big companies, famous vapers and real vapers. It is also a fun game show, organized with the serious goal of popularizing the passion and seriousness of vapers everywhere.

In a world dominated by negative opinions about vaping, it's nice to see a group of people who aren't afraid, backing down from fear, and still trying to let people see the true spirit of this community.

An open and fun game show for vapers

AVE40 is a pioneer in the vaping revolution in Asia. Founded in 2012, the group has built a team of more than 150 people, all of whom are truly passionate about this healthy lifestyle. AVE40 is one of the largest marketing companies in China, providing a large number of high-end devices and e-juices to domestic and foreign vapers.

Vaping in the China-Pacific region is still on the rise. Although lagging behind the region and the US and Europe, a slew of vape shops opened in China last year.

Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea remain major markets, and expect China to continue to push vaping innovations for years to come, even as the western market stagnates due to regulatory headwinds.

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