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E-cigarettes feature in this year's Stoptober campaign advert

In a clear move to show the UK is becoming more open to the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool, this year's Stoptober campaign will feature e-cigarettes more prominently than last year.

Stoptober is organised by the UK National Health Service (NHS) to encourage smokers to quit smoking for the month of October in the hope that the campaign will help people quit for good. The campaign offers a range of quitting methods for smokers to choose from, and also promotes the use of behavioural support and nicotine replacement therapy.

E-cigarettes are advertised as a method of quitting smoking.

Last year’s campaign featured e-cigarettes alongside other nicotine replacement therapies. They were used by 53% of participants, making them the most popular smoking cessation tool. That’s why they’ve been featured prominently in this year’s campaign. This is also the first time Stoptober has featured e-cigarettes in its advertising.

Along with the above, data collected from several surveys on tobacco use trends shows that e-cigarettes are a popular choice for smokers to quit smoking, as they replicate the feeling of smoking, making the transition from smoking to vaping easier.

Studies have shown that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative.

According to a new study published last month mainly on the comparison of the carcinogenic potential of smoke from nicotine vapor products including e-cigarettes with cigarette smoke by Dr William E Stephens from the University of St Andrews, the data published in BMJ Tobacco Control confirmed that the cancer risk of e-cigarettes is only 1% of that of cigarettes.

Source: Diane Caruana - Vapingpost

Translated by: The Vape Club

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