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Vape without nicotine

Compared to high nicotine e-liquids , 0 nicotine e-liquids are quite cheap. But their prices are also increasing, and there are also some vapers who prefer to use 0 nicotine e-liquids only.

There is a growing trend towards nicotine-free e-liquids. This is driven by stricter regulation of nicotine. The EU has mandated that e-liquids must contain no more than 20mg of nicotine per millilitre.

Of course, there are other factors at play. Advanced devices allow users to get more nicotine from low-nicotine e-liquids. Vapers also often try to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine in their e-liquids as they become more familiar with vaping.

Nicotine-free e-liquid: taste and throat hit

Nicotine also has a taste and can affect the taste of the e-liquid.

Taste varies from person to person, and most people report a stronger spiciness when switching from low nicotine to higher strength e-liquids.

Some people think that nicotine tastes stronger than e-liquid. This is only half true, because nicotine only makes e-liquid taste worse if the concentration is too high.

Nicotine also affects the throat hit. The throat hit is the satisfying feeling you get when the vapor hits your throat. This can be a problem for smokers who have just switched to vaping, because the throat hit feels very similar to the feeling of smoking.

Nicotine concentration is the main factor that affects the throat hit. E-liquids with high nicotine content create strong and clear throat hits, while e-liquids with low nicotine content have almost no throat hit.

Since nicotine affects both taste and throat hit, vapers often try to balance both when choosing nicotine strength.

New vapers often choose e-liquids with high nicotine levels because they want a strong throat hit. Experienced vapers often choose lower nicotine levels because they want to enjoy the best flavor.

How the device used affects nicotine absorption

E-cigarettes come in many forms. Advanced products like sub ohm tanks and box mods deliver nicotine to users more efficiently than small devices like cigs.

In a 2014 study comparing nicotine absorption between early and new generation devices, Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos found that mod users absorbed more nicotine than cig a like users.

In the test, cig a like users used the device for an hour and still did not absorb the same amount of nicotine as they would in five minutes of smoking a cigarette. The experiment showed a difference between the devices in nicotine absorption.

Who uses nicotine-free e-liquids?

Not everyone likes nicotine-free e-liquid, but a group of vapers prefer to use this type of e-liquid only.

The trickers

It's hard to shoot O's and perform other vape tricks when using e-liquids with high nicotine concentrations.

When you continuously inhale large clouds of smoke, the large amount of nicotine entering your body will make you feel a bit uncomfortable, so trickers only like to use essential oils with little or no nicotine.

The vapers usually

Vapers who have never smoked before and don’t need nicotine, they just like the social aspect of vaping. They aren’t addicted to nicotine and don’t want to be, so they only choose nicotine-free e-liquids.

Former smokers quitting nicotine

When smokers switch to vaping, they often want to wean themselves off nicotine. These vapers will use high-nicotine e-liquids and gradually reduce the nicotine level, until they are using nicotine-free e-liquids.

If you want to try this, be careful and patient.

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