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15 things only vapers understand

Vaping has given us a unique and dynamic culture. Who would have thought of vape trick competitions, unique builds, insanely powerful mods and celebrities vaping before the year 2000? From this vibrant community, we have compiled 15 things only vapers will understand.

1. The joys of vaping indoors

Vaping indoors is a luxury and a privilege of vapers. Watching movies, reading books, writing blogs and avoiding the terrible heat, are the advantages of vaping indoors. Vape smoke smells sweet and very fragrant, it also dissipates a few minutes after you finish vaping.

2. Saving

In countries where cigarettes are heavily taxed, using e-cigarettes will save you a pretty penny.

3. The vaper's love for his device

Vapers have a deep affection for their devices. Whether it’s a brand new sexy RTA or a box mod that’s been around for years, vapers are incredibly attached to their devices. You may not have seen it, but there are definitely vapers who have written love letters to their vape mods.

4. Electrical expert

Vapers know a lot about electronics. Ohms, voltage, mAh, metal parts, conduction, current regulations… You’d think your vaper friend had a degree in electrical engineering. They don’t.

5. Dry hits, eternal pain

There isn’t a single vaper who hasn’t experienced the shock and discomfort of accidentally getting a dry hit. On the bright side, you can expect a whole host of weird reactions if your friend accidentally gets a dry hit.

6. Battery

If you’ve ever owned a battery-powered device other than a vape mod, this probably won’t surprise you. Most batteries die before their final use, and most vapers carry three to five 18650 batteries around as spares. If you do, keep them in a secure battery case.

Prepare spare batteries, keep them in a safe container, and don't lend them to anyone… vapers know and follow these golden rules.

7. A huge collection of bizarre accessories

Non-vapers look at a vaper’s collection of accessories and think they’re the craziest people in the world. Tiny screwdrivers, rolled up Kanthal strips, rubber gaskets, leather vape cases, tons of tiny glass bottles… Dr. Brown’s lab in Back to the Future is pretty normal by comparison.

Advice for you: don't ask why vapers have something, just let them be. And don't touch anything.

8. The State and its Crazy Laws

Want to hear a speech? Try saying “government bill” to a vaper. A vaper will frown and read a long paragraph from Ken Burns.

9. Definition of “Tootlepoofer”


Tootlepoofing isn't a bad thing, it's a term used to describe vapers who use low-wattage, high- nicotine vapes.


Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When you see your essential oil bottle almost empty, you will feel extremely panicked. If the bottle is almost empty, you will feel like the end of the world is coming. To avoid this situation, always stock up on essential oils, and never, never wait until tomorrow to buy more when your essential oil bottle is almost empty.

11. Coil porn

The internet is a strange place. You can find tons of pictures of coils that don’t look like coils on Instagram. The time builders put into designing and winding a unique coil is amazing and admirable.

12. Interesting and Weird Opinions About the Taste of Essential Oils

Have you ever thought of someone who could go on for half an hour about why he hates peach e-liquids? Or the difference between peppermint and mint? A vaper can rattle off the characteristics of e-liquids in all, and I mean ALL, the most minute details, and you’d be absolutely stunned by the amount of information.

Note: The more selective a vaper is about their e-juice, the less likely they are to enjoy food and drinks. Science has yet to find an explanation for this phenomenon.

13. Unfriendly looks from smokers

Vapers are well aware of the stigma that smokers and non-vapers alike get. Some smokers say they prefer the real thing, some say they could quit whenever they wanted, and some cite studies that are so ridiculous they can’t be more ridiculous.

If you come across such people, just smile and let it go because sooner or later they will join us.

14. Every time I receive an email, it's Christmas.

There are vapers who stare out the window, waiting for the mail like an excited child or a rebellious cat. The flip side of this excitement is a rage if their mail is late, the way kids would throw a fit if Christmas was a few days late. You definitely don’t want to meet a vaper who is in a rage because their mail is late.

15. It's not just a habit

Vaping is a hobby, a lifestyle, a news hotspot, a scientific innovation, a beautiful culture, a… well, you get the idea. Vaping is many things. Smokers sometimes have a lot of negative prejudices about cigarettes, a love-hate relationship with it. As for vapers, they love, absolutely love vaping.

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