Some common terms used in the process of using electronic cigarettes , making it easier for newbies to learn and gain knowledge about vaping.
401, 510, 801, 901: types of bases for mounting the combustion chamber, which is the connection between the battery and the combustion chamber, 510 is the most common type.
Analog: traditional cigarettes / cigars (mainly tobacco).
APV: Advanced Personal Vaporizer. Used to refer to a vape body that has electronic circuitry to regulate voltage and power.
Atomizer , Atty: The combustion chamber, which contains the coils and cotton, when the coils heat up, they will vaporize the essential oil.
BCC: Bottom Coil Clearomizer. Is a combustion chamber in which the burner is located at the bottom of the clearomizer combustion chamber.
Burner: traditional cigarette / cigar.
Cartridge, Cart: In some cases used to describe the e-liquid chamber used to create vapor on some electronic cigarette devices.
Clearomizer, Clearo: These are combustion chambers with burners that have been standardized by the manufacturer, so that users can buy burners and replace them easily. (Refer to )
Cigalike: Is a type of electronic cigarette that is designed exactly like a traditional cigarette.
Cloud, Clouds, Blowing Clouds: The vapor exhaled when vaping . Often referred to as a cloud due to the high water vapor content in the exhaled vapor.
Deck: The base for installing coil and cotton, separating the essential oil container and battery.
DIY: Do it yourself. Often used to refer to homemade essential oils .
Dripping, Drip: The act of dropping essential oils directly into the atomizer.
Juice, E-juice , E-liquid: Essential oils used in vape devices.
Fuse: A type of fuse specifically designed for use in mech mods.
Genesis Style Atomizer, Genesis Atty, Gen Atty: A type of combustion chamber in which the burner is located above the oil tank, as opposed to BCC.
Glassomizer: A burner with a glass oil reservoir. This term is no longer commonly used.
Hybrid, Hybrid PV, Hybrid Mod: A combination of a vaporizer and a battery pack (mainly a mech mod) designed as a synchronous combo.
Kanthal, Kanthal A1: Kanthal is the name of a type of metal wire (iron-chromium-aluminium (FeCrAl) and is used for winding (building coils). Kanthal A1 is the most popular type of Kanthal wire because many people consider it the best wire for winding.
Kick: A special circuit used in mech mods or some APVs, that provides the ability to vary the current output.
LR or LR Atty: A low impedance burner, typically below 2.0 ohms.
Mechanical Mod , Mech Mod, Mech PV, Mech: A traditional vape device, without any electronics or wiring at all, it is just a metal tube with a button, containing a battery and a connection for the atomizer.
Micro coil: A type of coil in which the coils are wound so that the turns of the coils are close together.
Mod: A shorthand term used for all types of vape bodies .
Pass-through, PT: An alternative way to power a vape device, where the power is taken directly from the power source and not through the battery.
PCC: Personal Charging Case, charges the battery and is normally only used with cigalikes.
Personal Vaporizer, PV: Personal vaporizer, that's the vape device.
RBA: Rebuildable Atomizer. Rewindable atomizer with e-juice tank.
RDA: Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer . The chamber can be rewired and juice must be dripped during use. (Refer to ).
Rebuildables: RBA/RDA units.
Kanthal Ribbon, Ribbon Wire, Ribbon: A specific type of resistance "wire" used to construct coils. Ribbon wire has a flat cross-section rather than being round, as with traditional wire.
Silica: Twine used as a substitute for cotton. Silica has a very high melting point and can therefore be purified by burning.
Tank: Essential oil chamber.
Throat Hit: A feeling of a sore throat.
Topper: The general types of atomizers (Atomizers, Cartomizers, Clearomizers, RBAs RDAs, …), are called topper because they sit on top of a vape device.
Vegetable Glycerine , VG: Organic substance extracted from vegetable oils such as coconut oil and palm oil by heating at high temperature under pressure with water, from which it is isolated and distilled to obtain the purest product. VG is mainly used in the food industry in 2 roles: it has a sweet taste but has fewer calories than sugar (For example, diet foods that do not use sugar are often used instead of VG); VG also has a very good hygroscopic ability by absorbing moisture from the air. Therefore, VG is mainly used to sweeten foods and keep them moist. (refer to ).
Propylene Glycol , PG: Organic substance extracted from Propylene Oxide. PG is colorless and odorless. Certified safe by the US Food and Drug Administration, PG is used in the food industry as a preservative and humectant.
Vape, Vaping: is the act of inhaling a quantity of water vapor through a vape device (reference: ).
Vaper: Someone who uses vape.
Wick: Replace the cotton for the burner.
Coil: is a piece of conductive metal wire wound like a spring, is a main component for generating heat.