Surely you have seen vapers perform smoke tricks. Today, The Vape Club will give you some small tips about basic vape tricks .
1. Shoot O
There are a few ways to blow an O, and the most common to do is to act like you're coughing with your throat, but instead of a harsh cough, you're aiming for a very mild version;
Imagine you are in a library and you need to cough. Volume is key to O formation, experiment with deep inhalation.
One trick to forming the O shape is the shape of your mouth, try moving your jaw to make smaller and larger circles. You can also make the O by pressing the open side of your mouth while exhaling.
2. Bend O (Vape bend)
Bend O is when you manipulate your hand to change the path of the O you blew.
To do this simply follow the puffs as you blow and make sure you don't break the vape cloud as you push. Once you get the shape of it, you can even try to spin an O or pop it back where it came from.
3. French inhale
This is a classic smoking trick that you will see a lot.
To do this trick you have to take a deep breath, then slowly open your mouth. Push your lower lip up and push the smoke upwards with your tongue. When the smoke reaches your nose, inhale through your nose. This trick will not work if you have a cold.
4. Making jelly fish
You can O, you can bend, now you make a jellyfish. Once you blow a good O, you can try to make it into a jellyfish by following the O and then blowing a puff of smoke in the center. It works best when the O is wide open.
5. Double O and Triple O
Use the O blowing skill then simply place your finger in the middle of your mouth.