When we buy a new burner and immediately use it, we always feel that the essential oil that we have loved for a long time suddenly tastes terrible, it may be because there is residual machine oil in the burner that has spoiled the taste and made us think that the burner is bad. So where has the burner been, what has it been in contact with before it reaches you in that condition?
One thing we know for sure, the atomizers are made in factories with machines that contain oil to make the device work to make 100 or 1000 more products. The manufacturing process leaves oil residue in the atomizer, which is what makes the e-liquid taste so bad.
Another thing that can make this worse is the metal shavings that get stuck in the burner. When you use your burner to create smoke and end up inhaling a bunch of metal shavings, it’s not a fun experience.
To solve all the above problems, clean the burner before use.
Step 1:
After unpacking the burner, check to see if the burner is scratched or damaged. If it looks normal, carefully disassemble the burner into parts, remembering the exact location of the parts while disassembling, you can draw a simple diagram if you find it difficult to remember.
Find a clean medium sized plastic container, fill it with a 90% alcohol solution, rinse the parts, and pour the alcohol away. This will clean off the toughest oil stains. Next, fill the plastic container with hot water, just enough to cover all the burner parts.
Step 2:
Add a few drops of unscented dish soap and use a brush to mix the water and dish soap together. Make sure the dish soap is unscented, because if you use a scented one, the scent will stick to the burner.
Step 3:
Carefully drop the burner parts into the soap solution. Soak them for a few minutes to loosen any residue that may have stuck to the burner during the cleaning process.
Step 4:
Use a brush to clean the parts of the atomizer, especially the inside surfaces where the air goes and where the essential oil comes into contact. The smaller parts are harder to clean, so soaking them in soapy water and rinsing them with plain water should be enough to remove all the dirt.
Step 5:
Rinse the parts with water and let dry, you can use a soft cloth to wipe the parts quickly.
Step 6:
Now it’s time to reassemble the burner! Put the rubber gaskets back in place. Since the gaskets have been cleaned, you may have a little trouble getting them back in place. The best solution is to lubricate the gaskets with the essential oil you plan to use.
Step 7:
Once all the gaskets have been lubricated, reassemble the burner. It is best to screw the parts together into the gaskets rather than pressing hard. This will prevent the gaskets from flipping or coming loose during assembly.
Step 8:
Once the atomizer is assembled, you can use it. Depending on the type of atomizer you use ( RDA , tank , etc.), don’t forget to install the appropriate coil .