Nothing ruins a good vape session like spitback. The occasional hot liquid splash from your coil into your mouth isn’t uncommon or fun, but if it happens too often, it can completely ruin your RTA or coil, rendering it unusable.
Luckily, vapers can completely eliminate e-juice spray quite easily, and even if you can't, there are a few ways to minimize the problem.
What is essential oil shooting? Causes of essential oil shooting
Spitback is the name given to the case of droplets of e-liquid (usually extremely hot) spraying on your tongue or lips when vaping. If you have ever used an RDA , you have occasionally encountered this phenomenon, they are often accompanied by a very loud popping sound. The e-liquid droplets are too large, spraying large, hot drops of e-liquid into the user's mouth causing a burning sensation or leaving the mouth full of thick unvaporized juice.
The cause of spitback is simple: the e-liquid gets saturated, sits on the coil too much, and “cooks” instead of vaporizing. It boils over like water in a pot, and when you inhale from the drip tip , you accidentally inhale a few droplets.
The basic cause of e-juice shooting is that there is too much e-juice on the surface that the coil cannot vaporize in one puff. This can be caused by the following reasons: You drip too much e-juice onto the cotton coil on the RDA. Loose cotton wicks cause e-juice to be sprayed on RTAs. After a long hit, the cotton is affected by the heat of the coil, scorched or broken, causing more e-juice to spray onto the coil in the following puffs. The e-juice is too thin due to low VG ratio or old.
Methods to overcome essential oil spraying
Vapers have come up with a number of ways to avoid or reduce spitback. All of these methods are effective at reducing spitback depending on what’s causing it, so try them all. You may not be able to completely eliminate spitback, especially if you’re using complex coils.
1. Increase the capacity
If you set the wattage too low, the device will not be able to vaporize the essential oil as quickly as it is absorbed into the cotton. Try increasing the wattage by 5 to 10W if you are using a device with adjustable wattage.
2. Only drop a sufficient amount of essential oil into the coil.
Priming a coil is putting drops of e-juice onto the cotton before using the coil. If you put too much e-juice on the cotton, it will lead to spillage and spitback. The same thing can happen with an RDA, if you put too much e-juice, you will also get spitback.
The solution is simple: don’t prime or drip too much e-juice onto your coil. You want the cotton to be completely saturated, but not so saturated that you end up with too much e-juice on the coil. It may take a few tries to figure out how much e-juice you can put on the cotton without causing this problem. If you watch the cotton closely, you’ll be able to tell when it’s saturated.
3. Blow off excess juice before smoking.
This is a very simple solution, especially when you accidentally prime or add too much e-liquid, just press the fire button to run the machine for a few seconds, and blow smoke before using. The popping sound of the e-liquid boiling will gradually decrease until it becomes a moderate crackling sound. Then you can vape without worrying about e-liquid splashing anymore.
4. Wipe off any essential oils that may have accumulated in the air duct.
While spillage is a common cause of spitback, the problem can also be more serious when e-liquid collects in the air channel and flows back into the coil. This is easily fixed by taking some paper towels, rolling them up, removing the drip tip, and sliding the rolled-up paper into the air channel. This will absorb any excess e-liquid and reduce the chance of spitback.
5. Use twisted coil or Clapton coil sparingly
Multi-core coils are prone to popping and splattering, especially Twisted and Clapton coils. Their design makes it easy for e-juice to stick and spill onto the surface, making it difficult to completely avoid splattering with these coils. The simplest advice is to switch to a simpler coil. Or wick the cotton a little tighter when using these coils.
6. Close the air vents
Sucking in too hard will cause the essential oil to overflow because it is pulled directly into the chamber. This problem is easy to solve, try sucking in less or turn the air hole adjustment ring to close the air hole a bit.
8. Switch to high VG e-liquid
PG is a thinner solution than VG, which means it is more likely to spill over into your atomizer than VG. If you have spitback, switching to VG e-liquid will solve the problem immediately because VG has a harder time penetrating the cotton.
7. Change drip tip
If you use a 510 drip tip, choose a drip tip with an anti-splash design. Angled drip tips prevent the e-liquid from entering the user’s mouth directly. Drip tips with a pivot point that allows them to bend at any angle can also prevent spitback. Longer drip tips, especially those with curved shafts, can also help.