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Vaping: From Quitting Smoking to a Unique Lifestyle

E-cigarettes are a wonderful invention for smokers who want to kick the deadly habit and find other solutions like nicotine patches and gum to be ineffective. Initially, e-cigarettes were used by a very small percentage of people. But that was just the beginning. As the years went by, the number of people determined to quit smoking turned to e-cigarettes.

And that's when things started to change.

They realized that the definition of “smoking” was incorrect, because e-cigarettes do not produce “smoke” because nothing is “burned”. They produce “vapor”. So it was called vaping .

They realized they could modify their e-cigarette devices to make them more effective, or create their own devices with higher power and more features. Thus, the concept of mods (from modifications) was born.

They realized that the definition of “e-cigarette” no longer fits – it’s not right, because we’re not producing smoke, but vapor, and our device doesn’t look like a cigarette anymore. So we have “vape devices”.

They realized that the term “ex-smokers” doesn’t apply to people who use e-cigarettes to quit smoking, because they’ve quit smoking but still vape because they like it. They like to play with smoke and make art with it, so now we have “Cloud bros”.

Nowadays, people vape because they see a safer alternative. Being able to control the amount of nicotine in their e-liquid is the most convenient thing, and most people can reduce their nicotine intake to 3mg or even zero in just a few months. The strange thing is, even after they quit smoking, and no longer need nicotine, they still continue to vape.

People who have never vaped think it’s because vaping is as addictive as smoking. The strange chemicals that keep vapers hooked on the habit are considered worse than the worst drugs. Why else would they keep vaping?

It's because of the taste, the clouds, the art they can create with it. And it feels like instead of downing a whole bag of candy and worrying about gaining weight, you can enjoy the same sweet taste with e-liquids that taste like cakes, candies, and a million other delicious things.

You have to manually tweak it to get the desired customization.

What else? Vaping devices. And a vaper will love his or her device so much. He or she will constantly be looking for the next RTA or RDA that will give him or her a better taste of the e-liquid, that will produce bigger clouds. A new mod or mech with higher wattage, a cool unique coil, a new battery with longer life, a new wick that is more convenient. Something… next. Because vaping is not just a way to quit smoking anymore, it has become a hobby, a unique lifestyle for many people.

Build your own coil

And for many, that’s why e-cigarettes work. Smoking isn’t just about inhaling smoke. It’s a process, opening a pack, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it… It’s even longer for those who prefer roll-your-own cigarettes or pipes. And vaping, unlike nicotine patches and gum, is also a process: you roll your own coils and buds, and while you don’t have to do that, you do have to remove the atomizer, refill it, screw it back in, configure the device… and, surprisingly, it works. The proof is in the millions of vapers and it’s still growing after the industry exploded, especially in the last two years.

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