Chemical profile: PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG)
1. What is propylene glycol? Propylene glycol is a liquid compound that absorbs water. Propylene glycol is also used to...
I am a vaper
You have dozens of different reasons to be someone in society. I choose to be a vaper . Why? Because...
New study proves vaping is safer than smoking
E-cigarettes have only been around for a decade, and today they are popular everywhere, especially in the UK where there...
Nicotine is not harmful?
The e-cigarette industry is essentially treading on eggshells. Despite its unprecedented growth, there are still some taboos regarding the health...
Vaper Types: Five Typical Vaper Types You May Know
Let's take a look at the types of vapers that are currently present in the vape community, the most typical...
Phillip Morris Korea has sold 2 million units.
On May 23, Phillip Morris Korea announced that IQOS has sold 1.9 million units since its launch last year. Last...
Vape - changes on the data sheet
With those Backpackers preparing for summer vacations, packing their luggage to bring with them is also a big dilemma. But...
Which vape to choose for wedding season?
Wedding season is here. Prince Harry and Hollywood star Meghan Markle kicked off the season with a lavish wedding at...
3 Biggest Lies About Vaping
Whether or not to vape seems to be the most discussed topic these days. Stories and rumors are circulating in...
Science proves vapes do not contain formaldehyde
A vicious rumor circulating on social media in 2015 claimed that e-cigarette smoke is filled with formaldehyde. The details of...
ACS officially recognizes vape
Earlier this year, the American Cancer Society (ACS) issued a statement that it recognized vaping as an effective smoking cessation...
France: Smoking rate has decreased significantly in 2016-2017
An article in Medical Press pointed out that in France, the number of regular smokers decreased by several million between...
Study shows vaping reduces carcinogens by 60%
While the ban on e-liquid flavors is spreading, politicians are also making moves to assert that vaping and smoking are...
UK study shows vaping can reduce the harm of smoking
A new study has provided further evidence that vaping is an effective way to quit smoking. The study, conducted and...
Amber Rose Collaborates with Kandypens for New Vape Collection
Amber Rose has grown her business empire into the vape world. The model and actress has come up with a...
Impact of US-China trade war on vape market
Earlier this month, President Donald Trump officially launched a trade war with China, and it looks like vaping technology is...
Professor Farsalinos' new research completely refutes the stereotypes about vaping
Vaping has grown into its own niche in just five years, not only as a cigarette substitute, but also as...
dotMod Brand Introduction and Launch in Vietnam
We would like to invite all dotMot fans and loyal customers of The Vape Club to attend the introduction and...
The Vape Club's customer appreciation program - BUY ONE GET ONE FREE
To thank customers who have supported and accompanied The Vape Club in the past time, from tomorrow (July 28, 2018)...
What do you know about Squid Industries?
Squid Industries was founded by Eric Buss, a former Marine who served in the Iraqi Liberation Army. After struggling with...