25 extremely funny vape memes
Amidst the heavy, tiring news, we should sometimes change the wind and read more fun and humorous news to relax...
Choose the right essential oil for your burner
Many people have asked the question: “What essential oil is suitable for my burner?”. And they can only answer: “It...
What is RDTA?
Today’s topic is RDTA , which stands for rebuildable dripping tank atomizer. If you’re new to vaping, you probably don’t...
Leonardo Dicaprio: The Evolution of the Famous Vape Icon
The Hollywood tabloids you read while waiting in line at the grocery store are filled with stories about celebrities getting...
The difference between removable batteries and built-in batteries
One of the reasons why vaping is so popular is because there are so many cool and interesting devices to...
EastEnders star Danny Dyer vapes on lunch date with wife
The 39-year-old TV star looked happy and healthy after being forced to temporarily stop her schedule due to personal issues...
Vape Stickers - Cheap Refurbished Item
Instead of buying a new mod, try refurbishing your old, still-functioning box mod with a trendy sticker. What are vape...
Tips for choosing batteries for vapers
You probably know the common types of batteries used in household appliances, such as AA and AAA. E-cigarettes use larger,...
9 times vaping appeared on screen
Being featured on popular TV shows means we've become a phenomenon - the larger culture is paying attention to the...
[Warning] Nine-year-old girl hospitalized after accidentally drinking vape oil
A nine-year-old girl from New Brunswick was taken to hospital after ingesting e-cigarette liquid from the “Unicorn Milk” brand. Lea...
5 vape-friendly cities
It’s easy to see how aggressively the vaping laws are hitting the European and American markets. Fortunately, there are a...
Enhance your vaping experience with drip tips
Drip tips are a little-known vape accessory . As long as they don’t burn your lips, most people are happy...
Romance with vape in the 21st century
There are two things that have evolved very quickly over the years thanks to modern technology: the cultural acceptance of...
Essential oils for busy people
If you’ve quit smoking and switched to e-cigarettes, you’ve probably noticed that e-liquids come in a wide variety of flavors....
Vapers unexpectedly gain advantage under President Trump
For one group of people in the US, the election results offer more promise than disappointment: pro- vaping groups are...
The Most Vape-Friendly City in America
There was a time when you could literally vape anywhere, even in places where smoking was banned. Unfortunately, that changed...
Vapers Say Smokers Deserve Safer Options
New Delhi - Vapers have asked the WHO to give the world's one billion smokers a fair chance to access...
Vaping: From Quitting Smoking to a Unique Lifestyle
E-cigarettes are a wonderful invention for smokers who want to kick the deadly habit and find other solutions like nicotine...
Hot released: New e-cigarette review book
Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos introduces his new book on e-cigarettes . Analytical Assessment of E-Cigarettes: From Contents to Chemical and Particle...
Popular online e-cigarette company acquired for $27 million
The latest news this week is that an online vape company has been acquired for a large sum of money....